Monday, 17 May 2021

غزہ سے آنے والے راکٹوں نے اسرائیل کو پاگل کر دیاغزہ سے آنے والے راکٹوں نے اسرائیل کو پاگل کر دی

 اسرائیل پر اب تک 1 ہزار راکٹس فائر ہو چکے، راکٹ حملوں کو روکنے کیلئے اسرائیل کا کروڑوں ڈالرز کا نقصان   غزہ (اُردو پوائنٹ تازہ ترین اخبار۔ 17 مئی 2021ء) غزہ سے آنے والے راکٹوں نے اسرائیل کو پاگل کر دیا، اسرائیل پر اب تک 1 ہزار راکٹس فائر ہو چکے، راکٹ حملوں...

Sunday, 25 April 2021

Indian hospitals plead for oxygen, country sets virus record

 NEW DELHI (AP) — India put oxygen tankers on special express trains as major hospitals in New Delhi begged on social media on Friday for more supplies to save COVID-19 patients who are struggling to breathe. More than a dozen people died when an oxygen-fed fire ripped through a coronavirus ward...

Thursday, 8 August 2019


Dumbo Today, August 3rd 2017 WikiLeaks publishes documents from the Dumbo project of the CIA. Dumbo is a capability to suspend processes utilizing webcams and corrupt any video recordings that could compromise a PAG deployment. The PAG (Physical Access Group) is a special...

Spy Files Russia

Spy Files Russia This publication continues WikiLeaks' Spy Files series with releases about surveillance contractors in Russia. While the surveillance of communication traffic is a global phenomena, the legal and technological framework of its operation is different for each country....

CIA espionage orders for the 2012 French presidential election

CIA espionage orders for the 2012 French presidential election Press Release (English) CIA spying orders for the list French presidential election All major French political parties were targeted for infiltration by the CIA's human ("HUMINT") and electronic ("SIGINT") spies...

What Is WikilLeaks

Anonymous is a decentralized international hacktivist group that is widely known for its various DDoS cyber attacks against several governments, government institutions and government agencies, corporations, and the Church of Scientology Motto: We Are Anonymous Region served: Global Anonymous Anonymous...